Thursday, November 29, 2007

The Baltimore Aquarium

The Baltimore Aquarium
There are many different animals that inhabit the Baltimore Aquarium- and not just fish. It houses birds, reptiles, anphibians, and mammals. The most recent exhibit is the Australian exhibit, which includes an archerfish, a laughing kookoobura, and a death adder. One of the more strange things that the aquarium houses is a two headed snake, and a snake with the body of a turtle. It houses also one of the largest octopuses in the world- the Giant Pacific Octopus.
The most popular types of animals at the zoo are the sharks, the puffins, and of course, the octopus. The aquarium, which sits at the edge of the bay, is always packed with schoolchildren and adults alike. The aquarium makes a fine killing with its membership as well- which can cost over 100$ per person (and by the way, they sell).
A must see animal is the chamberhead nautilus, which dates back to pre-historic times. It is nicknamed a "headfoot" along with some of its cousins because what looks like a head is actually a foot. It is like the octopus in the fact that it is very curious and prefers some foods over others.
A newly hatched nautilus is about the size of a quarter, and grows to about 8 inches in length.
Both the octopus and the nautilus are in need of some toys as well! Visitors are encouraged to bring in basketballs and old toys for the animals.
The dolphin show is also popular. It has a sort of medival times appeal- even though the show doesnt change that often, visitors come back time and time again. The dolphins enjoy one of the largest tanks in the aquarium. The other 2 large tanks belong to the sharks and the stingrays.

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